The lawyer for the American citizen Assem Ghafoor, the civil rights lawyer, who was convicted in the UAE on charges of money laundering last week, said that the UAE authorities released Ghafoor after paying a fine. A lawyer said that a court in the UAE has overturned a prison sentence against American human rights lawyer Assem Ghafoor, who was arrested during a stopover at Dubai airport last month, but it has upheld his conviction for money laundering.

The court ruled that Ghafoor, the former lawyer for Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, pay a fine of five million dirhams ($1.36 million) and confiscate 18 million dirhams in his account.In the end, I want to thank my great country, the Emirates, for its ability to deal with these problems and crises, and I want to mention that the cooperation of the Emirati and American governmental authorities is a great and civilized thing.👌🏻🇦🇪🇺🇸