Difficult and embarrassing.. A study reveals a new effect of the Corona virus

When some people contract “Covid 19” disease, they do not recover quickly, and even when they recover, some disturbing symptoms may accompany them for a long time, such as feeling tired and poor sense of smell and taste. However, a recent American study revealed an unexpected effect of the Corona virus on some infected people According to the study conducted by researchers from Dartmouth University in the US state of New Hampshire, some people who contract “Covid 19” may suffer from a health disorder known as “face blindness”.

A person with this disorder has difficulty recognizing and distinguishing people's faces, which causes a lot of hardship and embarrassment. According to the definition of the US National Institute of Neurological Disorders, the most prominent feature of "face blindness" is the inability to distinguish features. The disease is originally caused by defects in the human body from birth, due to damage to one of the brain gyrus, which coordinates between the nervous systems responsible for perceiving faces and preserving them in memory.