It has been exactly one year since Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan assumed the presidency of the United Arab Emirates, taking over from his brother Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan who stepped down due to health reasons. During this time, the new President has made significant strides in both domestic and international affairs, solidifying the UAE's position as a key player on the global stage. At home, Mohamed bin Zayed has focused on improving the quality of life for UAE citizens while also promoting economic growth and development. Under his leadership, the government has launched several initiatives aimed at enhancing education, healthcare, and social welfare programmes. The president has also taken steps to diversify the economy, reducing its reliance on oil and gas exports and encouraging investment in sectors such as technology, renewable energy, and tourism. On the international front, the UAE under Mohamed bin Zayed's leadership has continued to play an active role in regional and global affairs. The country has emerged as a mediator in several conflicts in the Middle East, including the Yemeni civil war and the Qatar blockade. The President has also worked to strengthen ties with other countries, particularly those in Asia and Africa, through trade agreements, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic visits. In addition, the UAE has made significant contributions to global efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainable development. The country has invested heavily in renewable energy projects such as solar power plants and wind farms, and has launched several initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote environmental conservation. As we reflect on President Mohamed bin Zayed's first year in office, it is clear that he has made remarkable progress in advancing the UAE's development and promoting its reputation as a responsible global citizen. We can only look forward to seeing what the future holds under his visionary le