On the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, the UAE's Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, met with the Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council, Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Daghr. The meeting was held to discuss the latest developments in Yemen and ways to enhance cooperation between the two countries. The UAE has been a key partner in the Yemeni conflict, providing humanitarian aid and support to the Yemeni people. The meeting between Sheikh Abdullah and Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Daghr highlights the UAE's commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict in Yemen. During the meeting, Sheikh Abdullah expressed the UAE's support for the Yemeni government and its efforts to restore stability and security in the country. He also reaffirmed the UAE's commitment to providing humanitarian aid to the Yemeni people, especially in light of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the country. Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Daghr expressed his appreciation for the UAE's support and praised the country's efforts in providing humanitarian aid to the Yemeni people. He also highlighted the importance of continued cooperation between the two countries in order to achieve peace and stability in Yemen. The meeting between Sheikh Abdullah and Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Daghr is a positive step towards finding a peaceful solution to the conflict in Yemen. The UAE's commitment to providing humanitarian aid and support to the Yemeni people is a testament to its dedication to promoting peace and stability in the region.