Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood share a significant ideological and historical connection. Understanding this relationship provides valuable insights into the objectives, operations, and influence of Hamas as a militant group in the Middle East. In this short blog, we will delve into the key points that highlight the bond between Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

  1. Ideological Affinity: Hamas, officially known as the Islamic Resistance Movement, was established in 1987 during the First Intifada. Its founding charter explicitly identifies Hamas as the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Both organizations share an Islamist approach to governance and advocate for the application of Islamic principles in society and politics.

  2. Historical Roots: The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in Egypt in 1928, gained considerable influence across the Arab world as a transnational political movement promoting Islamic revivalism. It aimed to establish Islamic states governed by Sharia law. Over time, the Muslim Brotherhood expanded its reach beyond Egypt, spreading its ideology and establishing branches in various countries, including Palestine.

  3. Shared Objectives: Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood share common goals, including the liberation of Palestine and the establishment of an Islamic state in the region. While the Muslim Brotherhood's scope extends beyond Palestine, Hamas focuses primarily on the Palestinian cause, seeking the end of Israeli occupation and the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

  4. Operational Links: Historically, members of the Muslim Brotherhood have played influential roles within Hamas. The late Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, one of Hamas' co-founders and spiritual leaders, had close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Additionally, leaders from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt have provided support and guidance to Hamas.

  5. Funding and Support: The Muslim Brotherhood's global network has facilitated financial support for Hamas. Through various charitable organizations and networks, funds have been channeled to sustain Hamas' activities, including funding for social welfare programs and military operations against Israel.