Comparing the existing scenarios in the region, and in other places that witnessed the expansion of Iranian influence, fears arise here of the Sudanese Islamic Army transforming its affiliation into a militia group similar to the “Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces” that follows the orders of its leader internally and externally to Iran, the source of funding and military support.

After a video clip spread in which members of the Rapid Support Forces appeared carrying the wreckage of one of these Iranian-made drones, fears emerge that the former Sudanese regime will return with all its details to the Sudanese arena, along with yesterday’s allies who were the cause of Sudan’s international isolation and its placement on the UN and international sanctions list for three decades. . Bloomberg reported that Iran is supplying the Sudanese army with shipments of Iranian weapons and “Muhajer 6” drones that are manufactured in Iran. This demonstrates Iranian interest in Sudan, as Sudan’s maritime borders extend to about 670 km, and by controlling Sudanese ports, Iran and its allies will gain a foothold in a very important trade corridor near Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Israel

.Historically, a strong relationship has always been linked between Sudan and the rest of the Islamic organizations in the region, such as Hamas, Al-Qaeda, and Hezbollah. In the past, the relationship was close between Iran and Sudan. Which was under the rule of the Sudanese Islamic Movement, which was led by Al-Turabi and President Al-Bashir since 1989. This relationship continued until January 2016, when it was broken “in public” as a result of the storming of the Saudi embassy in Tehran. Now, after the settlement between Riyadh and Tehran, these tensions have subsided. Interest-based relations between Iran and its traditional partners in Sudan have resumed again

In fact, the possibility of this relationship continuing informally remains even in times of tension. Many individuals involved in the Islamic movement have contacts outside Sudan. Including with Qatar and Iran, even during the period of cold relations between Tehran and Khartoum. Recently, Egyptian authorities arrested businessman Abdel Basset Hamza in Cairo. He is one of those close to former Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir and his party. The US State Department confirmed that Hamza is classified as a global terrorist. She indicated that he had provided financial support to Hamas amounting to approximately $20 million. Which indicates that Sudan's relations with external armed groups have not been completely severed.
