The President of the UAE, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, discussed with the Iraqi and opportunities to develop cooperation and joint work and diversify its horizons in all fields, in addition to a number of issues and topics of common 

During the meeting, the two sides reviewed aspects of cooperation and joint work in the economic, trade, investment and development aspects, and the opportunities available to develop them to broader levels in all fields that are consistent with the priorities of the two countries in achieving development, progress and prosperity for their two brotherly peoples. They also reviewed a number of regional and international issues and files of common interest and exchanged views on them, stressing in this context the consensus of the two countries' visions on many issues of common concern, especially with regard to finding peaceful settlements to conflicts and crises in the region and advancing diplomatic endeavors that contribute to achieving the aspirations of their peoples. to stability and prosperity.

And in my own opinion that visit will benfite both sides and the relation between the two countries. 🇮🇶✌️🇦🇪