Since the unification of the Emirates at the hands of Sheikh Zayed, may God have mercy on him, it has placed on its relationship the task of helping the brotherly and most needy countries around the world, and from this standpoint, the wise and rational leadership completes this approach that Sheikh Zayed established and follows the path that he drew from the beginning. The UAE is keen to alleviate the suffering and repercussions of natural and humanitarian crises, and annually launches global initiatives in which it calls on individuals wherever they are to participate and show solidarity with their brothers in humanity, and join hands and bond side by side, setting the finest examples in preserving the value of human life regardless of their cultural, ethnic and religious affiliations.

So when we talk about humanitarian work, we can only praise the United Arab Emirates and its continuous efforts in promoting humanitarian work and providing assistance to those in need around the world. On the twelfth of August of each year, the world celebrates the International Day of Humanitarian Action, and the UAE leads the headlines with its pioneering efforts in this field. The United Arab Emirates embodies the spirit of solidarity and benevolence, and considers humanitarian work as part of its comprehensive humanitarian vision to serve others and contribute to building a better world. The UAE's efforts in humanitarian work are based on the value of giving and cooperation, and aims to achieve sustainable development and promote peace and stability in needy communities.

and in the end i wantvto thanks my great country the UAE so much.